Welcome to Sedro-Woolley's 
4th o​f July​ Celebr​ation!

We are working on getting the information and dates for the 2025 Loggerodeo check back later for more updates.​ The new forms will be available around February to March. 

Schedule of Events

This Schedule is not set in stone yet changes may still come update 11.10.2024

June 29th 2025

7:00am Registration for Eagles Car Show
TBD Eagles Car Show

July 1st 2025

12pm House and Business Decorating Judging
5pm Kiddies Parade

July 2nd 2025

8am to 5pm Chainsaw carving events
1:30pm to 2:45pm Quick Carve
TBD Carnival Opens
5:00pm Auction of Quick Carve

July 3rd 2025

8:00am-5:00pm Chainsaw Carving Events
1:00pm-7:00pm Arts & Crafts
TBD Carnival Opens
1:30-2:45pm Quick Carve
5:00pm Auction of Quick Carve

July 4th 2025

7:30am Check in for The Great Sedro-Woolley Footrace
8:00am-5:00pm Chainsaw Carving Events
9:30am-11:00am Great Sedro-Woolley Footrace 
11:00am Grand Parade
TBD Eagles BBQ
11:00am-7:00pm Arts & Crafts
TBD Carnival Opens
1:30-2:45pm Quick Carve
5:00pm Auction of Quick Carve
10:00pm Fireworks

July 5th 2024

8:00am-5:00pm Chainsaw Carving Events
9am Jr. Logging Expo.
10am Beard Contest
12pm Pie Eating Contest
1:00pm-7:00pm Arts & Crafts
TBD Carnival Opens
1:15-2:30pm Quick Carve
3pm Final Auction/ Awards
7:00pm-10:00 Street Dance

The map is interactable

  1. Kiddies Parade
  2. Beard Contest, Pie Eating Contest
  3. Grand Parade Start
  4. Foot Race Start and Finish
  5. Wood Carving Events
  6. S.W. Museum Displays
  7. Carnival
  8. Food Vendors
  9. PRCA Rodeo
  10. Fireworks
  11. Food/Crafts Vendors
  12. Jr. Logging Exposition 
  13. S-W F.F.A Petting Zoo

Did you know that the PRCA Rodeo(Horse) and Loggerodeo(Log Carving) are a ​separate events from each other with there own board of directors. but we do work ​together to bring the best Independents day celebration to Sedro-Woolley. To visit them click the link below.

PCRA Rodeo