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The dates for the 2025 Loggerodeo are set but may change slightly.
Lions Club Link
On July 2nd at 5a.m. a red white and blue log (8' long with a 14" diameter) will be dropped in the Skagit river at the Marblemount bridge. The log will be pulled from log jambs and moved to the middle of the current. But in no way helped down stream. Tickets are sold for $5. Ticket-buyers guesstimate the time that the log would take to float all the way to Clear Lake bridge (HWY 9). After costs, 25% of proceeds will go to the person who guesstimates the closest to actual time (hours, minutes, and seconds). In the event of a tie the 25% is split evenly. The other 75% will be donated to Seattle Children's Hospital for cancer treatment. The winning time and ticket holder will be announced at the Loggerodeo Grand Parade on July 4th, roughly 11am. Make shure that you save the part of the ticket that it states to save as that is your proof of purchase, ticket stub must be returned before July 1st 5pm.!
1948 - 11:07:09 | 1950 - 13:49:16 | 1954 - 11:41:34 |
1955 - 14:37:42 | 1956 - 13:54:04 | 1957 - 17:21:46 |
1958 - 19:03:41 | 1959 - 12:25:35 | 1960 - 14:10:27 |
1961 - 16:16:05 | 1962 - 16:40:04 | 1963 - 14:01:29 |
1964 - 13:04:44 | 1965 - 11:12:27 | 1966 - 15:36:03 |
1967 - 10:39:11 | 1968 - 10:42:22 | 1969 - 13:06:47 |
1970 - 14:34:20 | 1974 - 11:42:37 | 1975 - 11:01:45 |
1976 - 12:41:59 | 1977 - 16:29:44 | 1978 - 16:29:44 |
1979 - 17:25:12 | 1980 - 13:10:35 | 1981 - 13:25:55 |
1982 - 11:15:15 | 1983 - 15:34:35 | 1984 - 12:40:10 |
1985 - 14:34:35 | 1986 - 16:00:20 | 1988 - 12:14:16 |
1989 - 15:11:48 | 2021 - test run 14:45:?? | 2023 - 15:29:54 |
2024 - 14:03:027 |